At St Wilfrid’s there’s usually plenty going on. There are a number of groups and activities that take place outside of the regular services. Maybe you can spot something you’d like to join in with, or sample. These events take place in the Church Hall, behind the church, unless stated.
Coffeemates – tea, coffee and cakes. Meet your friends and make new ones. Last Wednesday of the month, 10am – 12noon.
Coffee Morning – tea, coffee, cake and biscuits, plus hand-crafted items for sale made by St Wilfrid’s Craft Group – 2nd Saturday of the month, 10am -12noon.
Choir Practice – new members always welcome. Wednesday, in church, 2 or 3 times a month, 7.15pm
Mothers Union – local speakers and/or discussion about supporting family life. Open to non-members. 2nd Thursday of the month, 2-4pm.
Church Cleaning – Every Wednesday, 10.15-11.30am
Churchyard Tidying – Please bring gloves and tools, if available. Last Saturday of the month, February to November, 9.30am-12noon.
Craft Group – need help with a craft project or want to learn how to knit? See if we can help. Crafts for sale at coffee mornings and the Spring/Autumn Fairs. 2nd and last Tuesday of the month, 1.30pm-4pm.
Patchwork Group – an informal group helping each other in patchwork projects. £2 to cover hall rental. Last Monday of the month, 1.30pm-3.30pm.
Community Lunch – a simple lunch of soup and dessert for £4. 1st Wednesday of the month, 12noon-1.30pm.
Tea@2 – sandwiches, cakes and an entertainment(!). Every other month on Wednesday or Thursday as arranged, 2pm-4pm.
Have an event of your own? The Parish Hall is available to hire! Follow this link for details.