Being on the PCC
Our Parish needs new Parochial Church Council members to support the work of St Wilfrid’s, our beautiful church here in Brayton!
Over the years our parish has benefitted from a strong PCC, and we are enormously grateful to all those who have served with dedication to the life and mission of our parish as PCC members over the years.
This year our PCC needs new members to take on this commitment and shared responsibility for the decisions it makes about the life and mission of our parish.
Therefore, is joining our PCC something that you have considered and feel God is calling you to do?
To be a member of the PCC you need to:
Have faith in Christ and the desire to deepen that faith through personal and corporate prayer, worship, and Bible study.
Feel that you could work constructively and positively with the rest of the PCC and clergy to further God’s life-giving mission in our parish.
Be over sixteen.
Be baptised and receive communion regularly.
Have been on the electoral role for at least the last six months.
What is it like to be on the PCC?
PCC members work as a team to listen and learn from each other, they pray together and grow in their understanding of how our church works and in their own Christian journey.
As a PCC member you would share with the rest of the PCC, clergy and others in the joy, challenge, and privilege of leading our church community, by helping to discern and bring about God’s vision for the parish.
You may feel you don’t have enough to offer but the PCC needs people of all ages, backgrounds, skills, and experiences to share ideas and contribute to the decisions made that supports and furthers the work of our church.
If your gift is encouraging, encourage; if leading lead diligently; if showing mercy, do it cheerfully. (Romans 12:8)
If you are interested in becoming a PCC member you will need to be committed to:
Serve as an elected member for a 3-year term.
Attend PCC meetings up to six times a year and some additional meetings as necessary.
Your role as a charitable trustee of the parish.
Be interested and involved in the life of the church and the local community.
Being willing to learn and to share ideas, experience and gifts.
Be able to listen to another’s point of view.
Look to God’s love in Jesus daily to inspire and equip you!
The PCC needs thinkers and doers, questioners, and listeners.
But you do not have to be ……
- A Saint
- A Theologian
- An Expert
Though no one will mind if you are!
If you would like to find out more or are interested in joining our PCC please get in touch with Pat our churchwarden