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Lay-led Morning Prayer

Lay-led Morning Prayer

This is a shorter service, not led by a priest, but by members of the congregation.
Craft Group

Craft Group

Need help with a craft project or want to learn how to knit? See if we can help. Crafts for sale at coffee mornings and [...]
Holy Communion

Holy Communion

A mid-week service of communion. Perhaps this is more convenient for you? All welcome!
Church Cleaning

Church Cleaning

9 October 2024    
10:30 am - 11:30 am
Help make the church sparkle! Can you give a little time for this?
Mothers Union

Mothers Union

Local speakers and/or discussion about supporting family life. Meetings are open to non-members.
Coffee Morning

Coffee Morning

12 October 2024    
10:00 am - 12:00 pm
Tea, coffee, cake and biscuits, plus hand-crafted items for sale made by St Wilfrid's Craft Group.
Holy Communion

Holy Communion

Especially for early risers!
Family Communion

Family Communion

A more family-friendly communion. Everyone welcome!
Holy Communion

Holy Communion

A mid-week service of communion. Perhaps this is more convenient for you? All welcome!
Church Cleaning

Church Cleaning

16 October 2024    
10:30 am - 11:30 am
Help make the church sparkle! Can you give a little time for this?
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