Joint Parish Celtic Communion (alternating between St Wilfrid’s and St Francis)
An alternative to Holy Communion, this service has less of the formality, yet is still holy. Everyone welcome!

Holy Communion
A mid-week service of communion. Perhaps this is more convenient for you? All welcome!

Holy Communion with prayer and anointing for healing
In this service, the prayer for anointing and healing takes place to one side, during communion. You may wish to receive this for yourself or [...]

Patchwork Group
An informal group helping each other in patchwork projects. Cost £2.50 to cover hall hire.

Craft Group
Need help with a craft project or want to learn how to knit? See if we can help. Crafts for sale at coffee mornings and [...]

Holy Communion
A mid-week service of communion. Perhaps this is more convenient for you? All welcome!